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To include all KFR modules use kfr/all.hpp header. Note that DFT and IO modules need linking appropriate static libraries, kfr_dft and kfr_io.

#include <kfr/all.hpp>

Alternatively, you can include only the modules you need:

#include <kfr/base.hpp> // Functions, expressions
#include <kfr/dft.hpp> // DFT/DCT and convolution
#include <kfr/dsp.hpp> // DSP, Filters etc
#include <kfr/io.hpp> // Audio file reading


SIMD vector

vec is a template class that contains 1 or more elements and lets functions operate them in a machine-efficient way.

The class synopsis:

template <typename T, size_t N>
struct alignas(...) vec
    using value_type = T;

    // Constructors
    // broadcast scalar to all elements
    vec(T broadcasting);
    // initialize all elements 
    template <typename... Ts>
    vec(Ts... elements);
    // concatenate vectors (sum(Ns...) == N)
    template <size_t... Ns>
    vec(const vec<T, Ns>&... concatenation);
    // implicit element type conversion
    template <typename U>
    vec(const vec<U, N>& conversion);

    // element is a proxy class to get/set specific element
    struct element

    // Functions to access elements, const-versions omitted
    // access by index
    element operator[](size_t index);
    // access first element
    element front();
    // access last element
    element back();

    // return size
    size_t size() const;
template <typename... T>
vec(T&&...) -> vec<std::common_type_t<T...>, sizeof...(T)>;


The class implementation is specific to the target cpu, so vec class definition resides in kfr::CMT_ARCH_NAME namespace. For avx2 architecture it's kfr::avx2. The architecture namespace is declared inline, you should not use it directly, kfr::vec as treated by compiler as an alias for kfr::CMT_ARCH_NAME::vec.

Use can omit the template parameters and let compiler deduce them for you:

vec x{ 10, 5, 2.5, 1.25 }; // vec<double, 4>

some_function(vec{ 3, 2, 1 }); // vec<int, 3>

Vectors can be nested. vec<vec<float, 2>, 2> is a valid declaration.

1D array

univector is a template class that, based on the template parameter, may hold data in heap like std::vector, in its storage like std::array or hold pointer to external data like std::span.


This specialization holds data in heap. Memory is automatically aligned.

univector<T> is derived from std::vector<T> but with KFR own allocator that provides alignment for memory allocation and contains all member functions and constructors from std::vector<T, ...>.

univector<T, Size>

This specialization holds data in its storage. univector<T, Size> is derived from std::array<T>and contains all member functions and constructors from std::array<T> but is properly aligned.

Size must not be zero.

univector<T, 0>

This specialization works like std::span from C++20 and holds only pointer and size to external memory. Data alignment is preserved and cannot be enforced.

For all specializations data is always contiguous in memory.


For SIMD operations to be effective, data should be aligned to 16, 32 or 64 bytes boundary. Default STL allocator cannot provide such alignment, so holding data in std::vector<T> with defalt allocator may be suboptimal.

KFR has its own STL-compatible allocator kfr::data_allocator that aligns memory to 64-bytes boundary. Using it with STL containers may increase performance.


Define KFR_USE_STD_ALLOCATION macro to make data_allocator an alias for std::allocator. This makes univectors interchangeable with std::vectors

Passing 1D data to KFR functions

Many KFR functions, such as DFT, receive and return data through univector class. If it's possible, use univector in your code as a storage for all data that may be passed to KFR functions. But if you already have data and need to pass it to KFR, you may use make_univector function that constructs univector<T, 0> from the pointer and the size or from a STL-compatible container (if data() and size() is defined).

std::vector<float> data; // existing data, or std::array<N, float>

float val = rms(make_univector(data)); // No data copy
const float* data; // existing data
size_t size;       // 

float val = rms(make_univector(data, size)); // No data copy
const float data[1024];

float val = rms(make_univector(data)); // No data copy


You can get subrange of an array using slice function defined in all specializations of univector class.

univector<float, 100> v;
// ...
const float s1 = sum(v); // Sum all elements
const float s2 = sum(v.slice(2, 50)); // Sum 50 elements starting from 2

Result of the call to slice is always univector<T, 0>, a reference to external data. Not tat the lifetime of the reference is limited to the lifetime of the original data.


univector class is also Expression and can be used whereever expression is required.

Tensor (Multidimensional array)

tensor is a class that holds or references multidimensional data and provides a way to access individual elements and perform complex operations on the data.

The number of elements in each axis of the array is defined by its shape. The number of dimensions is fixed at compile time.

Tensor class synopsis:

struct memory_finalizer;

// T is the element type
// Dims is the number of dimensions
template <typename T, index_t Dims>
struct tensor
    using value_type = T;
    using shape_type = shape<Dims>;

    // iterates through flattened array
    struct tensor_iterator;

    // iterates nested arrays
    struct nested_iterator;

    // construct from external pointer, shape, strides and finalizer
    tensor(T* data, const shape_type& shape, const shape_type& strides,
           memory_finalizer finalizer);

    // construct from external pointer, shape and finalizer with default strides
    tensor(T* data, const shape_type& shape, memory_finalizer finalizer);

    // construct from shape and allocate memory
    tensor(const shape_type& shape);

    // construct from shape, strides and allocate memory
    tensor(const shape_type& shape, const shape_type& strides);

    // construct from shape, allocate memory and fill with value
    tensor(const shape_type& shape, T value);

    // construct from shape, strides, allocate memory and fill with value
    tensor(const shape_type& shape, const shape_type& strides, T value);

    // construct from shape, allocate memory and fill with flat list
    tensor(const shape_type& shape, const std::initializer_list<T>& values);

    // initialize with braced list. defined for 1D tensor only
    template <typename U>
    tensor(const std::initializer_list<U>& values);

    // initialize with nested braced list. defined for 2D tensor only
    template <typename U>
    tensor(const std::initializer_list<std::initializer_list<U>>& values);

    // initialize with nested braced list. defined for 3D tensor only
    template <typename U>
    tensor(const std::initializer_list<std::initializer_list<std::initializer_list<U>>>& values)

    // shape of tensor
    shape_type shape() const;
    // strides
    shape_type strides() const;

    pointer data() const;
    size_type size() const;
    bool empty() const;
    tensor_iterator begin() const;
    tensor_iterator end() const;

    // access individual element by index
    value_type& access(const shape_type& index) const;

    // access individual element by list of indices
    value_type& operator()(size_t... index) const;

    // return subrange, individual axis or slice
    template <typename... Index>
    tensor<T, ...> operator()(const Index&...) const;

    // return flattened array, see Reshaping below
    tensor<T, 1> flatten() const;
    // return reshaped array, see Reshaping below
    template <index_t dims>
    tensor<T, dims> reshape(const shape<dims>& new_shape) const;

    // convert multidimensional tensor to string
    template <typename Fmt = void>
    std::string to_string(int max_columns = 16, int max_dimensions = INT_MAX, std::string separator = ", ",
                          std::string open = "{", std::string close = "}") const;

Iteration is always goes from the first axis to the last axis.

By default the last axis is contiguous in memory but it can be changed with custom strides.

tensor<double, 1> t1{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 };
tensor<double, 2> t2{ {1, 2}, {3, 4}, {5, 6} };
tensor<double, 3> t3{ {{1}, {2}}, {{3}, {4}}, {{5}, {6}} };
// Memory layout for all these tensors is: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

!!! important const-qualified tensors are writable. This is to make it possible to pass a writable subrange to function without converting to lvalue.

Tensor behaves like a shared pointer to memory (possibly allocated outside tensor class, see Constructing tensor from external data) with automatic reference counting. Copy and assignment increments internal counter and the internal pointer still references the original data.

Important: Writing to one shared copy will modify all other copies of the this tensor too. To get a deep copy call the copy member function:

tensor<float, 2> t = other;
t = t.copy();


reshape and flatten functions perform reshaping and return new tensor that shares data with the original tensor.

Not every tensor may be reshaped to any shape. The total number of elements must be same before and after reshaping.

Also, to be able to share data the original tensor must be contiguous. If this requirement isn't meet, reshape and flatten functions throw kfr::logic_error exception. There are variants of these functions called reshape_may_copy and flatten_may_copy that return a new tensor that does not share data with the original tensor in that cases.


To slice the original array the special value constructed by trange, tstart, tstop or tall functions should be passed to tensor's operator().

constexpr tensor_range trange(std::optional<signed_index_t> start = std::nullopt,
                              std::optional<signed_index_t> stop  = std::nullopt,
                              std::optional<signed_index_t> step  = std::nullopt)
    return { start, stop, step };

If start is nullopt, the slice starts from the first element (or the last one if step is negative). If stop is nullopt, the slice ends at the last element (or the first one if step is negative). If step is nullopt or omitted, the step will be equal to 1.

tstart(start) and tstart(start, step) are equivalents of calling trange(start, nullopt, nullopt) and trange(start, nullopt, step) and used to return the range starting from the start along the given axis.

tstop(stop) and tstop(stop, step) are equivalents of calling trange(nullopt, stop, nullopt) and trange(nullopt, stop, step) and used to return the range stopping at the stop along the given axis.

tall() is equivalent of trange(nullopt, nullopt, nullopt) and used to return the whole range of the given axis.


tensor<double, 2> t1(shape{ 8, 6 });
// initialize tensor
t1 = counter(0, 10, 1);
// t1 =
// {{ 0,  1,  2,  3,  4,  5,  6,  7},
//  {10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17},
//  {20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27},
//  {30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37},
//  {40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47},
//  {50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57}}

// slice tensor
tensor<double, 2> t2 = t(tstart(2), trange(2, 4));
// t2 =
// {{22, 23, 24},
//  {32, 33, 34},
//  {42, 43, 44},
//  {52, 53, 54}}

Constructing tensor from external data

tensor<float, 1> fn(std::vector<float>&& v)
    tensor<float, 1> t = tensor_from_container(std::move(v));
    // no data copy is performed. v is being moved to finalizer
    // and tensor references original vector data
    return t;